Secondlife Error 503
over the last 48 hours some of you may have noticed the 503 errors this way due to the server move we are in the process of completing and secondlife takes ages to change dns entries
Time to Switch
Alteran Stargate Network is now out of beta and is going at full force. It's time to get rid of your Arcturus Stargates and update to the Alteran Network.
You can pick up a new gate from the following url:
Stargate SL-1
this is something me and wolfie made the other day, when we were bored lol.
Stargate: SL-1
DNS Problems
Due to dns problems where the domains were hosted nothing was resolving to ips, changes in nameservers have now taken effect with the result of dns running off my server and bypassing the problem.
If gates in sl are encountering problems they are limited to your sim.